Get Involved
Assisting with Respect and Confidentiality those within the Irish Australian Community in times of need and distress.
Outreach Service
The Irish Australian Support & Resource Bureau’s dedicated Outreach Program ensures any elderly member of the Irish Community in Victoria maintains important links through visits in their homes, nursing homes or hospitals. Our priority is to care for isolated, elderly Irish people and those considered vulnerable or at risk.
​The program offers information or referral to appropriate government and community resources. It also offers assistance in completing forms for pensions, health care, accessible transport, rent assistance, Centrelink. The IASRB provides transport to these agencies or organises for their representatives to visit clients.
Contact Our Outreach worker by email or mobile (0449)210829

Seniors Weekly Lunch
At the Irish Australian Support & Resource Bureau, we host a lunch every TUESDAY to bring our Senior community together. A chance to meet old and new friends, to enjoy the craic. We welcome new members to join us anytime throughout the year. Lunch is provided at a minimal cost.
11.30am till 2.30pm
Cost $5
Card Players Group
25 Ireland's National Card Game. If you've been looking for a game steeped in Irish origins, you may just be in luck with the game of 25, a fast paced card game from the rural pubs of Ireland.
New members welcome, come along and join the fun.
12pm sharp

Shamrock Quilters
The Shamrock Quilters started in the 1980s with the intention of providing a support group for migrant Irish women, where they could meet on a weekly basis. From humble beginnings, the Quilters have grown, proudly exhibiting in Gaelic Park and St Patrick's Day Floats, just to name a few. Renowned for their exceptional craft, over the years, the Shamrock Quilters have presented many dignitaries from the Irish Government with gifts of their beautiful quilts.
New members and beginners welcome.
Home from Home Irish Parents Group
There is a sense of magic in the air where children and their parents gather to play, catch up over a cup of tea and strengthen links within the Irish Community.
New members welcome. Let us know if you plan to drop into the IASRB any Monday 9:30am for a cup of tea and a chat.